Technical Supervision over the Construction of Vedi Reservoir and Irrigation System

  • Employer:  
    Water Sector PIU
  • Financing organization:  
    French Development Agency
Project objective

To improve the sustainability of water resources and irrigated agriculture in the fertile Ararat plain via (i) the securing of additional renewable water resources from the construction of the Vedi reservoir and (ii) the improvement of irrigation efficiency, through to renovation work and the modernisation of the network. By lifting the constraints related to water and the irrigation network, the project aims to reverse the trend towards the abandonment of agricultural land in the Ararat plain.

Rendered engineering consulting services

  • Technical Supervision of Construction
  • Environmental and Social Monitoring
  • Health and Safety Monitoring
  • Contract Management
    • Package 1։ Construction of Vedi Dam and Auxiliary Structures
    • Package 2։ Construction of Khosrov and Vedi Intakes
    • Package 3 and 4։ Construction of the Water Conveyance System (comprising 4 lots)
      Main characteristics of the project
      • A reservoir of 29.4 Mln m3 in the Kotuts valley, closed by a main dam and a saddle dam
      • Two water intakes with weir, desander and fish ladder on the rivers Vedi and Khosrov
      • Water Conveyance System pipe (WCS) of about 11 km carrying water from the intakes to the reservoir site